Musculoskeletal refers to the muscle and the bones in the body. The musculoskeletal system comprises the skeleton, joints, muscles, tendons, cartilage, sinews, and other tissues that support the tissues and organs in the body. It is the system that attaches the bones...
The human body system is made up of various parts, working together to serve a common purpose in the body such as growth, reproduction, survival, and more. The various body systems work in unison to improve the chances of living a healthy life. Failure to take care of...
How has being quarantine impacted individuals around the world? Depression is up, drug use is up, alcoholism is up, obesity is up; the list can go on. Psychologically speaking, everyone has experienced some type of mental trauma due to COVID-19. 53+% of people (in...
A habit is a set of patterns or routine behaviors repeated regularly. It sometimes becomes almost involuntary. Studies have shown that humans are creatures of habit. We tend to do things in a certain way or have a certain pattern of things. Generally, humans like...
A habit is an action performed on a regular basis. It is usually done repeatedly or automatically sometimes without awareness. Even though some habits can be done without awareness, you will need to build action to the point where it becomes a habit that you perform...
“Health is wealth” is a very common saying, and although it might seem to have become quire cliched, it is still as true as ever. Being unhealthy is a draining thing in a wide range of ways. First, there is the obvious likelihood of getting ill of a wide range of...