Your insurance plan can have a huge impact on your finances. Apart from the monthly insurance premiums, you will have to pay, there are other expenses which include copays, coinsurance, and deductibles. A lot of people do not really understand how this works and could...
Covid-19 is synonymous with panic, anxiety, and depression. It has affected everyone in one way or another. On the economic side especially, it has been devastating. Recently, the IMF released the world economic outlook – a report predicting the economic recession...
Open enrollment is a time of the year when you can enroll in, or make changes to a health insurance plan. At this time, employees may decide to enroll in a plan, drop their existing plan or switch to a different coverage. This enrollment typically covers the health,...
Healthcare regulations allow insurers to sell a variety of insurance products, including short-term plans that do not comply with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Many persons have found these alternatives to offer more value for money and fit their lifestyle better...