Viruses undergo various changes in their structure over time. These changes, also known as mutations, are crucial for viruses’ survival. Although mutations are primarily insignificant, they can alter the virus’s behavior. However, mutations affect how a...
Covid-19 is a severe and life-threatening health condition caused by the novel coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, and its variants. Medical experts and researchers are making substantial efforts to understand how the disease impacts each person. Many people ask:...
There is a whole new normal to how we do things now. From the heat of the covid 19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown to the present day when borders are beginning to reopen, there is a modified approach to how we meet, interact with others, and even travel. Many...
How has being quarantine impacted individuals around the world? Depression is up, drug use is up, alcoholism is up, obesity is up; the list can go on. Psychologically speaking, everyone has experienced some type of mental trauma due to COVID-19. 53+% of people (in...
With the holidays here, we want to remember to safely celebrate with our families we should adhere to a few rules to keep us from contracting COVID-19 and any of the new strains that may be floating around out there…. As always you should remember to wear a mask. I...
The Coronavirus pandemic caused an economic disruption all over the world. An economic slowdown emanated from the pandemic. There is a long list of issues that have arisen and sectors that have been affected as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. For the insurance...