Having a health insurance plan is a great way to protect your finances and your health. The cost of health care without health insurance coverage is very high. Enrolling in a health insurance plan helps you cushion the adverse effect of your health care needs on your...
HEALTH INSURANCE, WHEN AND WHY YOU NEED IT Health insurance is a contract between an insurance provider and a policyholder for whom the insurance provider covers the cost of health care services and supplies and the policyholder pays premium periodically. Health...
A habit is a set of patterns or routine behaviors repeated regularly. It sometimes becomes almost involuntary. Studies have shown that humans are creatures of habit. We tend to do things in a certain way or have a certain pattern of things. Generally, humans like...
In the process of making your will, you will have to make a lot of important decisions. Choosing an executor for your will is one of the most important decisions you will make. An executor of a will is any person appointed in a will by the testator to put into effect...
Life insurance is a contract between a policyholder and the insurance provider to provide death benefit upon the death of the policyholder, for the beneficiary under the policy for a premium paid regularly. The millennial generation is the generation of people born...